It started off with a boring saturday..say around 11.00pm (if i'm not mistaken) i was watching tv with my housemate when suddenly i heard a girl shouting and crying..i tot it's just my imagination (haha) till suddenly my housemate mute the tv and say "ko dgr x?" it's not my imagination afterall..Then we heard it again..The girl were shouting and crying "appa..sakit!!" followed by the door being sound so loud as if it's happening in our block..We tried to peek through my housemate's room *busybody* ..we saw one of the guard climbing up the stairs heading towards one of the house on the 5th level at one of the block right in front of ours..there's also a girl standing at the stairs on lower level peeking up the stairs..the guard knocked on the house and suddenly we heard a man's voice shouting something like "jgn sibuk"..then we saw the guard being grabbed towards the grill of the house and the guard is struggling to free himself..suddenly the person inside pushed the guard and opened the grill..he pushed a girl outside..the girl ran down the stairs..she looked so she reached the other girl who is waiting at the lower level, they ran together leaving the apartment area..then our attention moved back to the house..the man pulled the guard into the house..we were housemate called the guardhouse to inform what's happening just for precaution measure in case anything happens but no one is answering the phone..we stood by the window and waited to see what's gonna happen next..after a while, we saw an indian guy climb up the stairs n entered the house..a few minutes later, the guard came out of the house..he's fine i guess (he look fine)
i wonder where did the girls went and what actually happened..i feel sorry for the girls..listening to the scream, she sound so scared..PLEASE STOP CHILD ABUSE!
this afternoon, i saw a police car rite in front of our block (ape hal tetiba ada polis lak?)..while i was warming up the engine, a few policeman riding motorcycle passed by my car..hmm..i wonder y are there so many police in our apartment area (wuts happening?)
reached home around 1am and stopped at the guard post..i tried to ask the guard what happened earlier this afternoon..he said that 2 person died..gosh! then i tried to ask about saturday night's incident..he answered "2 org mati" hahahaha..clearly he dun understand my question..well, what do u expect when ur talking to a bangla rite (i think he's bangla)..hahaha
p/s : up till now, i still have no answer what happened -_-"